Proposed Game Roadmap

The following is a very rough, pre-development outline of how we plan to go from concept to full game. Ongoing Game development is subject to the success of the Yammies collection and key gameplay elements are dependent on user numbers. Though this paints the progression in very broad strokes it serves to highlight the iterative development approach that will be taken with Yammies. We will seek to release key features as we hit user number milestones and build up towards the “full game”.

The continuous cycle of release and new features should also double as a marketing content and portray Yammies to the community as a healthy and constantly evolving project.

Phase One

Club Yamgo Members receive their first Yammies NFT

Phase Two

Full launch of the Genesis Land and Yammies Collections

Phase Three

Users can purchase Yammie & Land NFTs in marketplaces

Phase Four

Land generates in-game resources.

Phase Five

User can merge their Yammies.

Phase Six

Land is used as a base for up to six Yammies. Raiding goes live. Land now earns passive income from players passing over the land.

Phase Seven

Users can trade their resources through the in-game marketplace.

Phase Eight

Land can be attributed to a guild, this allows other players in the guild to use the land and earn shared rewards.

Phase Nine

Land Rental - Land can now be offered for direct rental to other players without losing custody.

Phase Ten

Move to real-time battles, PvP league battles and eSports-like competitions.

Phase Eleven

Move to 2.5D/Isometric view for land. Players can build defensive and resource-generating buildings on their land. You can directly visit other lands and view the plot.

This update will lead to a surge in the uses of resources (as players will need them for construction) and adds a massive amount of utility for land owners.

Phase Twelve & Beyond

Further development of Land and its utility to potentially include leisure buildings (like galleries and shops), Custom buildings and objects for their land. We will also explore the opportunity for Players to host events on their land including live streaming experiences and eSport events.

We will also endeavour to deliver the continuous release of Yammies NFTs with new generations and types of Yammies and Land.

Last updated